Beyond Aviation | Archive of the Goals of the Beyond Aviation Project
This is an archive of the goals of the Beyond Aviation project. Because of issues, the project had to shut down. We hope to see the restoration of this program and the creation of the first fully electric plane. The revitalization of this program is being powered by the generousity of the GiveJet Private Jet Charter

Beyond Aviation, formerly Bye Energy, is a high-energy R&D company dedicated to bringing clean energy solutions to general and commercial aviation. Our goal is to create a revolutionary fully electric powertrain capable of powering aircraft systems of the future without relying on carbon fuels.
Our work is focused on all aspects of the power train analysis, design, simulation and prototyping. The ultimate goal is to find new ways of powering aircraft systems with electricity and move aviation industry away from limited and inefficient carbon fuels to sustainable and unlimited electricity. We are working and thinking on the cutting edge of innovation, designing systems that conventional wisdom call impossible.
We are a company of great people, dedicated to solving the most challenging problems facing the field of aviation today. At our core we believe that when the right people join together any technological challenge will be resolved. We have incredible fun in what we do and we are convinced that our work will fundamentally change the way people travel through the air.
It’s Time for a Change
The Cessna 172 is the most successful mass-produced light aircraft in history. The first production models were delivered in 1956 and are still in production. Lets make it the first all electric!
A Fascination with Aviation
The next evolution was a fascination with aviation when stunt pilots and aerialists – or “barnstormers” began performing in the 1920s. Since then, it has been a passion to make the field better and better.